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Childress Old Settlers Rodeo, Childress, TX

Childress Old Settlers Rodeo

1109 7th St NW

APRIL (20) 21 & 22, 2023
Added Money: $6,000.00
Performances: 8:00pm
Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc,
Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $105 / Tie Down,
Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Ladies
Barrels @ $125 / Team Roping $310 team
Added Money; Bareback, Saddle Bronc,
Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway,
Steer Wrestling, Barrels @ $600 / Team
Roping $1,200
Slack: Thursday, April 20 @ 8pm
Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR
Performances must fill before slack taken
Non-member welcome w/$10 permit
Non-members that win $500 or more will be
required to purchase a UPRA membership
Special Events: Jr Tie Down, Jr Steer Riding,
Mutton Bustin (Stock Charge of $20)
Ground Rules:
If cattle are available, 1 calf will be furnished
for each contestant in the Tie Down Roping.
These cattle will be brought back in the Breakaway
Once a calf leaves the roping chute, it is considered
ran & will not be brought back. If for any reason, a re
run is awarded, an extra, fresh calf will be roped
in the order they were drawn
If the Breakaway roping entries are greater than the
Tie Down roping entries, Breakaway roping will be
before the Tie Down roping in the order of events.
Barerls will be raked after 5 actual runs on the
grounds, not drawn positions.
Sanction: UPRA / KPRA / NMRA
S/C: McCloy Rodeo Co
Next Gen Rodeo App
Wednesday, April 12 @ 9am and close Sunday,
April 15 @ 5pm
Wednesday, April 12 from 9am to 4pm
Thursday, April 13 from 9am to 4pm
Friday, April 14 from 9am to 12noon
ENTRY #: 903-287-7852
If contestant does not get one of your 2 preferences
you have till Monday @ 5pm to turnout without
fine/fees. Fine/Fees will apply to ANY turnout that
receives 1st or 2nd preference
Monday, April 17 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, April 18