2019 NMRA FINALS Rodeo
Socorro, NM
October 11 – 12, 2019
Socorro Arena and Sports Complex
Perfs: Friday October 11 @ 7:00 PM
Saturday, Oct 12 @ 6:30 PM
Awards following Saturday Performance
(Must have attended 25% of NMRA first rodeos to
qualify for Year End awards)
Dance with live band following awards on Saturday night.
Slack: Friday after Perf; Saturday @ 10:00 AM
All TR, ITR, TD, ITD, BRL, IBRL will compete in one
perf and one slack
Added: $1500 SW/SB/TD/Inc. TD/TR/Inc. TR/BRL/Inc.BRL/BR
$750 BB; $500 RBR; $2500 BKW
Monday, September 30 - 6 to 9 PM
TE: 505-864-9426 RS: 505-864-9427 TR: 505-864-7200
If you are not in the top 12 but would like to be on the alternate
list please e-mail or call CES office.
Special Events:
Mutton Bustin’ Buckle awarded call for info: 505-814-3482
Men’s & Women’s Triathlons call for info: 505-814-3482
Admission: Friday $5.00 Saturday $10
Added money subject to Director sponsorships