Gallup, NM - August 11-13, 2017
OPEN Rodeo – with NMRA co-sanction
Perfs: Fri. Aug. 11 @ 1:30 PM; Sat. Aug. 12 @ 1:30 PM
Short Go: Sun. Aug. 13 @ 1:00 PM (NOTE TIME EARLIER)
Slack: Fri. Aug 11@ 8:00 AM; Sat. Aug. 13 @ 8:00 AM
Added: $2000 BB, SB, BR, TD, SW, BKW, BRLS; $4000 TR
Stock Contractor: W/A Rodeos
Entry Fees - $70/event; TR $70/man
Benita Jay is Rodeo Secretary. Mail in entries close July 12, 2017.
Walk-in entries are Saturday July 29, 2017 from 10 am to 5 pm at
BootBarn in Gallup. Cashier’s Check or Money Order only payable
to Gallup Intertribal Indian Ceremonial.
Payoff is in CASH back to winners.
For more info, Dudley at 505-870-2535
Rodeo Rules: (FOR ALL EVENTS)
1. 12 per perf, Bull Riding 20 per perf
2. First to Enter, Last to Compete
3. TE $20 Stock Charge
4. $10 admin (1X)
NOTE Early Entries and Specs.
NOTE Old School Specs!! Old School is Hand Flagged Barrier and Team
Events are out of the same box SUNDAY ONLY. To be eligible for
All Around, contestant must enter one of the additional Old School Events
(SUNDAY ONLY) FMI: www.gallupceremonial.com