Montrose County Fair & Rodeo
Montrose, CO
July 24th & 25th, 2015
EO: 7/20 noon-6:00 PM
CB: 7/22 2:00-6:00 PM
Perf both days @ 7:00PM
Slack: July 24th @ 9:00PM
Added Money $1000 per event & event buckles
Stock Contractor: Berentis Rodeo Company
**Berentis Roughstock Buckle Series: must compete in 4 of 5 rodeos to qualify, 2 buckles ea event, awarded by points.
Local Entries: July 16 & 17 – between 9AM & 4PM Friendship Hall @ Montrose County Fairgrounds – see Emily Sanchez – 970.964.2180