Pagosa Springs, CO
July 2-4, 2015
Perfs: Thur. July 2 @ 7:00 PM; Fri. July 3 @ 7:00 PM
Sat. July 4 @ 2 PM
Slack: Fri. July 3 @ 9:00 AM
Added: $600 BB/SB/RBR/BR; $500 TD/SW/BKWY/BRLS
$300 Jr. Barrels - $250 Open TR/Inc. TR
$250 Scrambled Egg TR ( #10 Capped @ #5) One female or boy under 14 or
Old timer total of 90 years with minimum of 40 years old.
(Minimum or 3 entries a day or a total of 9 contestants for entire rodeo,
any less, added money will go down to $300 in Rough Stock Events)
ROUGH STOCK CONTESTANT INCENTIVE – Ride one day and committee will pay for second day entry in same event.
All Around Prizes – Awarded by Western Heritage Event Center
Point System
All Around Prize – Colt 45 Pistol
Stock Contractor: W/A Rodeo Company
Stock Charge $20
Entry Fees: $100 SW/TD; TR $82/man; BRL/BKW $80;
BR/BB/SB/RBR $75: Scrambled Egg TR $120 team;
Jr. Barrels $30
All contestants may enter twice.
TR enter twice in open and twice in incentive (2015 New Rule Applies)
Rough Stock may walk up 1 hr prior to draw
SW and BKW may walk up 2 hrs. prior to draw of first performance.
All walk up entries have a $15 late fee.
Entries: Monday, June 29, 2015; TE: 505-864-9426;
RS: 505-864-9427; TR: 505-864-7200 6-10 PM
Local entries – June 26, 2015 8am – 12pm. 970-759-8424
NMRA and co- sanctioning associations that
guarantee entry fees may fax/email entries.
Information on the NMRA website:
Call Backs: Tuesday, June 30, 2015; 6-9 PM 505-864-9426
Or check web site for day sheets:
Turnouts: 505-864-9426 no later than 3 hrs before perf.