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New Mexico Rodeo Association Membership Drive Rodeo

April 4-5, 2015   -   Bosque Farms, NM

Separate Rodeo Each Day

Perfs:  Sat. April 4 @ 1:00 PM; Sun. April 5 @ 1:00 PM

Slack: Sat. April 4 @ 8:00 AM; Sun. April 5 @ 8:00AM 

EASTER EGG HUNT with prizes ON SUNDAY during the performance

Added: To be determined -  plus buckles per event

Please check website & facebook page for most

Updated information.  

All contestants must purchase a membership prior to competing.

Discounted memberships available through Sunday Performance.

Stock Contractors:  NMRA Stock Contractors

Stock Charge will be deducted from each entry

Entry Fees: $100 SW/TD/BKW; TR $82/man; BRL $80;

BR/BB/SB $75:

All Contestants may enter twice

TR enter twice in open and twice in incentive (2015 New Rule Applies)

You must have a 2015 USTRC or WSTR card to be eligible for the Inc TR.

All Team Roping will be chute run. All Team Roping will be in slack.

Entries:  Monday, March 30, 2015; TE: 505-864-9426;

RS: 505-864-9427; TR: 505-864-7200    6-10 PM

Call Backs:  Tuesday, March 31, 2015; 6-9 PM  505-864-9426

Or check web site for day sheets:

Turnouts:  505-864-9426 no later than 3 hrs before perf.

Most current information can be found on the

NMRA website: